It's All About People!

It’s All About People!

The call for participatory processes in urban design took centre stage during The GoDown’s Urban Dialogue which took place yesterday. The absence of community participation and the exclusion of the views of the ordinary inhabitants of Nairobi in the urban development process were cited as a major reason for the wide disconnect between what is built in Nairobi, and the actual needs on the ground.   

Each of the panelists brought their perspective based on his or her unique area of practice. The artist, the architect, the community organizer, the academic, the urbanist…each shared detailed observations of what ails the city and its planning processes. And yet, the voices of this small but diverse group of experts were in resounding agreement. People must be at the centre of urban planning efforts.  The theme of the discussion was “Our sources of inspiration for the urban future we want.” The panel was not short on sources of inspiration and hope for an inclusive and sustainable urban future for Nairobi. The panel closed with a strong sense that there is need for more opportunities for expression and collaboration. To move from talk to action which will result in lasting change.

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The dialogue was part of The GoDown’s Urban October 2021 activities, and was part of the Nairobi Placemaking Week calendar running until Sunday October 31st, designated World Cities Day. The discussion was moderated by The GoDown’s Executive Director, Joy Mboya 

You can watch the full video using this link: 

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